Friday, September 6, 2013

Porch Time

Last night I had some quality porch time.  I blanked my mind of all the things that needed to be done and closed the door on them.  The sun had set some time before so all that was left was a faint pink glow above the trees on the horizon.  The porch swing was calling my name just loud enough over the sound of the crickets, frogs and other night creatures so that's where I settled. 

I talk about magic sometimes and here it was, all around me.  The night sounds, the cool breeze, the tranquility, the moon and stars...  They set my mind at ease and allow time for random thoughts and ideas to flow.  Magic.  But not pure magic for there was a flaw in the night.  For the night to be complete for me there has to be fireflies.  Of course, there are only certain times of the year for them to be out and about but this was the perfect night.  Not a firefly in sight.

Of all God's amazing creatures, the firefly is unique to me.  It's an ugly little bug when seen in the daytime.  It's shape is nothing special and although it does have a couple of orangey stripes, it lacks anything to make it outstanding.  Until the night.  Looking out across our pasture or in the backyard, suddenly there are tiny blips of light.  These little flashes are random and are sometimes hard to see.  At other times they fill a space completely with their silent communications to each other.  Part of the amazement to me is that there is no heat involved with these little flying lanterns.  At least not that you can feel when they crawl on your hand.  Seeing them at night in the yard has a calming effect on me.  When I see fireflies the night is complete.

So where are they tonight?  I can't imagine a more perfect night to be out communing with other fireflies.  Maybe they have stories passed down from generation to generation about how I captured them in jars when I was little.  Or especially (I am TRULY apologetic for this) when I used their little tail-lights for shiny rings.  I know, I know.  If I was a firefly, I wouldn't flash for me either.  But they have been there for me before so maybe they forgive and forget?  Just about the time I am about to give up and call it a night, I see a flash from the corner of my eye.  Then another.  Then a few more.  Not many tonight but enough that I can call the night a magical success. Time for bed.

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