Sunday, March 25, 2012


There's a reason I like fireflies; actually there are several, but two in particular.  One night there was a mystical event between the fireflies and myself, the other involved my grand-daughter and what she had to teach me about those little lightning bugs.  I will share those stories later but suffice it to say, fireflies have a special place in my life.

I am a grounded person, one who others say has common-sense.and a good work ethic.  But there is a large part of me that loves the idea of fairy people, speaks to the man in the moon and believes the ocean calls to me to come vist at least every two years.

I have a deep faith in God but I also have questions for Him.  I believe that some things just cannot be explained; they are just part of the mystery of life.  That mystery keeps me going because no one knows what lies just over the next hill, around the next corner or past the stars and moon.

Imagination and creation.  What a lovely combination!


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